
Your safety is important to us.

In accordance with its mission, vision and policies expressed in the Quality Management System, our company, as its management, realizes the installation, operation and support of information technology infrastructure based on local and wide area networks in all kinds of enterprises and institutions, provides operator and consultancy services, and meets the information processing needs of enterprises and institutions that require high technical knowledge and experience through outsourcing.

Information security is the activities of the organization to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information that the company produces, prepares and is responsible to its parties. These activities should ensure that information is protected in a way that includes other characteristics such as accuracy, explainability, non-repudiation and reliability.

Services that our company is obliged to fulfill information security activities:

– The continuity of IT services will be ensured independently from individuals, under a corporate roof, within the scope and limits of ISMS.

– Configuration of network installations that require high knowledge and experience will be provided within the scope and limits of ISMS.

– Operating and technical support services required for the continuous operation of existing networks in institutions/organizations will be provided within the scope and limits of ISMS.

– Providing operator services in routine works based on IT infrastructure / hardware / software system and ensuring data security will be within the scope and limits of ISMS.

– Meeting the expectations of our customers and the institutions/organizations we serve within the contract at a high level, increasing their IT capabilities, keeping them informed of technological developments and helping them achieve their activity/process/performance targets will be maintained within the scope and limits of ISMS.

– By accepting that all kinds of confidential / commercial / private information processed in all information technology systems we serve within the scope and boundaries of ISMS is the privacy of the customer of the institution / organization we serve, it will be ensured that this information cannot be obtained anywhere / person / institution / organization without the knowledge / approval of the customer, adhering to the Confidentiality / Integrity / Availability conditions.

– The ISMS policy shall comply with legal and regulatory requirements and take into account contractual or third party obligations or dependencies, provided that they remain within the scope and limits of the ISMS.

Our company establishes the necessary control mechanisms for the fulfillment of information security activities. A draft study has been initiated to determine control objectives, to carry out controls and to ensure their continuity. In this study, the risk management and risk audit structure on which the controls will depend has been established.

Our company, which works especially for organizations that demand services based on outsourcing, has to guarantee that the information, which is the most important capital and asset of the institutions / organizations that receive services from it, is used by third parties without seeking good or bad intentions. It is a basic requirement to carry out activities in compliance with the laws and relevant legislation rules stipulated by the specifications and included in the contract provisions, which are deemed mandatory by the highest executive structure in the fields in which the institution / organization operates.

Bu gereklilikleri yerine getirmek amacı ile gerek donanım ve yazılım bazında düzenlemeler yapılacak, gerek tüm personelimizin farkındalık – bilinçlendirme – uygulama – geliştirme eğitim ve alıştırmaları gerçekleştirilecektir.

Another dimension of information security is to ensure business continuity management. For this reason, by providing the necessary backup structures, breakage and breakage situations in the areas under the responsibility of our company in any business continuity structure will be eliminated.

Rules to be followed in the ISMS documentation established to support our information security policy

– Processes

– Procedures

– Controls

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